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Which .Net class is more interset for you ?
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It is a configuration file, this file will have the project related congifuration information.

ASP.Net will support two programming techniques:
        1. Inpage Technique
        2. Code Behind Technique

If we want to implement inpage technique in ASP.Net, we have to write the design code & business logic in a single file called ".aspx"

Code Behind Technique: In code behind technique design part will write in one file & business in another file.

By default ASP.Net programming technique is code behind technique, due to that reason design code will write in ".aspx" file and bussiness logic will write in another file called ".aspx.cs".

If we want to implement inpage programming technique in ASP.Net we should take some precautions.

ASP will support only one programming technique called in-page technique.

Event: Event is a member of a class, it will react for some action that is called as event firing or event calling or event executing.

Page Load: Page Load is firing or executing when the web page is loading.

Properties Window: This window will display the selected object properties.

A programmer can access the properties in two ways:
        1. Design time.
        2. Run time.

1. Design time: In design time we can access the property in two ways:
    a. We can access the property by using properties window.
    b. We can access the property by using ".aspx" code window.

To access the property in run-time we will use ".aspx.cs" code window.

ASP.Net will support three types of controls:
    1. ASP.Net web server control
    2. HTML controls
    3. Validation controls

1. ASP.Net web server controls:
    Every contol in ASP.Net is representing with some html element.

ASP.Net web server controls are server side controls that means this control related code will execute within the web server.

Syntax: Html element of the web server control:
    <asp:<control name> ID = "control ID" runat = "server"/>
Eg:     <asp: TextBox ID = "Textbox" runat = "server"/>

Here, "asp" is know as Tag prefix and "TextBox" is know as a Tag name.

Every web server control tag prefix should be "asp" and tag name should be control name and every control will have a {runat = "server"} attribute which is representing that the particular control is a server side control that means that particular code will execute eith in the web server.

2. HTML controls: These controls are traditional html controls. By default html controls are client side control. These control related code will execute with inthe web browser.

    Syntax:     <tagname id = "Control ID">
Eg:    <input type = "button" value = "mybutton" id = "button1"/>

We can convert these html controls as a server side controls also by adding an attribute called runat = "server".

3. Validation Controls: Microsoft is providing collection of validation controls to validate the user input.

Validation controls are server side controls, these controls will reduce the programmer task.

    Syntax: <asp:<control name> id = "Control ID" runat = "server"/>
Eg:    <asp: RangeValidator ID = "Range Validator 1" runat = "server"/>




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