Sunday, 2025-01-12, 3:20 AM
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17-12-210 ASP.Net


                <title> My web page </title>
                 Good Evening

Good Evening.

Heading Tags:
In html we will have 6 level of heading tags i.e., h1 to h6


h1 will display the biggest heading & h6 will display the smallest heading.

Eg: for heading tags:

               <title> My web page </title>
               <h1> Good Evening </h1>
               <h2> Good Evening </h2>
               <h3>  Good Evening </h3>
               <h4>  Good Evening  </h4>
               <h5>  Good Evening  </h5>
               <h6>  Good Evening  </h6>

Paragraph Tags: <p>.......</p>

    This is a break tag. It will break the statement to next line.
                    <title> My web page </title>
                  <p> ASP.Net class will start at 7 pm </p>
                   Microsoft Windows <br> United States of America <br>
                   Welcome to Windows World
Output will be displaying in a web page.
              ASP.Net Class will start at 7 pm
              Microsoft Windows
              United States of America
              Welcome to Windows World

Scripting: Scripting is a programming within the web page.

Using scripting we can add the user interactivity to a web page that means to make a web page as dynamic web page we should require Scripting.

Scripting are 2 types:   
1. Client side scripting
                                    2. Server side scripting

1. Client side scripting:
The scripting which is executing with in the web browser can be called as client side scripting.

Using client side scripting we can perform client side validations to implement client side validations we can use client side scripting technologies called
JAVA Scripting, VB Scripting, ECMA Scripting.

2. Server side Scripting:
    The scripting which is executing within the web server can be called as server side scripting.

Using server side scripting we can perform server side validations to implement server side scripting we can use server side technologies called
ASP,  JSP, ASP.Net...

Validation is nothing but verifying the user input. If we are verifying within the client side that can be called as client side validation, if we are verifying within the server side that can be called as server validation.

In the above example we have to perform 4 validations.

        1. Text username should not be empty
        2. Text password should not be empty
        3. Username should be valid
        4. Password should be valid

To Implement the
1st and 2nd validations we are not depending on database server & web server due to that reason we can achieve those validations by using client side scripting called JAVA Script.

To Implement the
3rd and 4th validations we are depending on database server & it is a part of web server due to that reason we can achieve those validations by using server side scripting technology called ASP.Net or JSP.



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