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Main » Tests » C#.NET

Write a mock online exam on C#.NET and check your skills in it. We are providing marks secured by you at the end of the test, but we are not providing the answers or solution at the end of the test because we are trying to evaluate your exact skills on .NET. If we provide the key then people will prepare for that and next time when they write the same exam they will definitely score max marks in these questions. Our intention is that by this process you can write the same exam for several times and update your skills. This test is similar to GRE pattern where you can get a minimum score of 7 Marks even if you go for all unknown options. But surely, we will update test for you people to know the questions which your going for wrong options. Also in some question we have given scores according to the options you select. some options in same question carry 1 mark or 2 marks according to your selected option.

Several answers may be selected.
The test has 25 questions.






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